Privacy Policy

ISKRA, with its legal headquarters in Spark Iron LTD., 17 Asen
Yordanov, Sofia, Bulgaria – provider of the services and activities
available in the web site, may use the personal data,
voluntarily provided by the User.

Users are invited to visit this page periodically, for information according to updated laws and regulations.

ISKRAART.COM specifies that, while the use of personal data is
necessary to execute the required services, Users are assured that the
use of such data will not be used for profiling research, but solely to
facilitate site management and the execution of orders.

All necessary information required in order for credit card payments
and transactions to be processed (credit/debit card number, expiry date,
security code) will be sent to our bank (specifically FIRST INVESTMENT
BANK) and fraud-monitoring team for authentification, via encrypted
protocol, without any third party interference. This information will
never be seen or stored for any purpose by ISKRAART.COM.

The security measures on our site are intended to help reduce the
risk of unauthorized access or dispersion of data that may cause any
personal risk to the security of our clients. For this reason, we
suggest that site users ensure the computer that they are using has
up-to-date security software and is connected to the internet through a
reputable and trusted service provider.

ISKRAART.COM has implemented security measures to protect the users
and their data entered. Despite their efforts, ISKRAART.COM cannot
guarantee that these security measures will limit and exclude any and
all risks of unauthorized access to this information. For this reason,
we advise our users to always navigate on the ISKRAART.COM site from a
secure computer source with updated software that allows ample
protection of sensitive data (anitvirus software) and that the Internet
provider itself possesses safety requirements for the secure
transmission of such data over the Internet.